7 tips to help increase your happiness 20 March 2017 We all strive for happiness in our lives and it’s important to review what’s impacting your mood and your mental health. Here are 7 tips to increasing your happiness: 1. Work-life balance Leave work at work and use your down time to relax. A healthy work-life balance can significantly reduce your stress. Being present and focused on what you are doing in the moment will help you to enjoy it and prevent guilt about things you ‘should’ be doing. Those emails will still be there tomorrow morning! 2. Negative thoughts are just thoughts Negative thoughts can have a big impact on our self-esteem and happiness. The funny thing is when they surface we very rarely take the time to question or challenge them. One way to banish negative thoughts is to write them up on a piece of paper and shred them or treat them like an annoying backseat driver – you’re not interested in listening. 3. Step away from social media Social media can be great for keeping in touch with friends and seeing what’s going on in the world. But it can also be a negative experience if you start comparing yourself to unrealistic standards. Try turning your phone off and take the time to connect with people face-to-face. 4. Surround yourself with friends and family Stay close to the people who bring out the best in you. Often when life gets busy, hanging out with your friends is the first thing to get cut from your schedule. Making sure to spend time with your favourite people boosts your mood and reduces stress. 5. Remind yourself of one thing you are looking forward to and one thing you are grateful for. Maybe you’re grateful that there was no line for your coffee today and you’re looking forward to watching your favourite TV show tonight. It doesn’t have to be anything big, but it will keep you grounded in the good parts of life and looking forward to the future. 6. Take time to do the things you enjoy Listen to a podcast, go see a movie or read your favourite book. Regularly taking time to do something that’s just for you and makes you smile is good for your overall wellbeing. 7. Take care of your physical health Healthy eating, regular exercise and sleep are all important to boosting your mood and reducing your stress levels. If you’re looking to get inspired check out our healthy recipes and exercise tips.
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