Professional development Give yourself the skills and confidence to support people at risk or living with diabetes through our range of educational programs and information sessions. All diabetes professional development programs are evidence-based and reflect clinical guidelines. Find out more about our health professional education programs and events. eLearning for health professionals These practical online diabetes eLearning programs for health professionals help increase your knowledge, skills and confidence in diabetes care. We’ve partnered with Diabetes Qualified to offer a range of diabetes e-Learning courses for health professionals including; Pharmacists Nurses Podiatry Allied health Courses provide Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours, and are endorsed by relevant peak bodies. Enrol online and start learning straight away in your own time, at your own pace. For the complete range of online courses, visit Diabetes Qualified. If you’re not sure which course will provide the best outcomes for you, call 1300 727 194 to determine the best solution. Health Professional CPD Training Courses Diabetes Essentials eLearning course for any health professional who would like to increase their technical diabetes knowledge and learn more about the pathophysiology of diabetes. 12 CPD hours endorsed by ADEA. Diabetes in Practice for Nurses eLearning course for Nurses wanting to update their diabetes knowledge and improve their health literacy to better support people living with diabetes. 12 CPD hours endorsed by APNA. Diabetes in Practice for Podiatrists eLearning course for Podiatrists wanting to update their knowledge on diabetes and its management, 6 CPD hours Diabetes in Practice for Pharmacists eLearning course for Pharmacists to improve their health service delivery within pharmacy practice settings. Developed in conjunction with the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia. CPD endorsed by PSA. Diabetes in Practice for Allied Health Professionals short eLearning course suitable for any allied health professional who is working with people living with diabetes and is part of the person’s diabetes team. 3 CPD hours. Diabetes and Exercise eLearning course for exercise professionals or any health professional wanting to ensure exercise prescription is safe and effective for people living with diabetes. CPD endorsed for 11 ESSA points and 10 Fitness Australia CEC’s. Beat It Trainer An evidence-based program for exercise physiologists designed to provide the skills necessary to deliver safe and effective group-based physical activity and lifestyle programs. 18 CPD from ESSA and 20 CEC’s from Fitness Australia. Foot Forward The free Foot Forward e-learning modules have been developed for medical staff, nursing staff, podiatrists, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners/health workers, allied health assistants, and clinical support workers wishing to improve their competency and confidence in providing best practice care for people with diabetes. The modules are based on the Integrated Diabetes Foot Care Pathways and provide information about how to perform routine foot risk screenings to identify risk factors for foot disease and how to determine a person’s risk classification. The modules outline appropriate management plans and referral pathways based on different risk classifications. You can access them here. Training packages for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers In addition to the online training modules, Foot Forward offers a free training package to be delivered by local healthcare professionals to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers (ATSIHW) to develop the skills required to undertake appropriate diabetes foot care in their communities. The ATSIHW training package is available to training organisations, health services or individual healthcare professionals involved in upskilling and supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers. Click here to register for the Foot Forward e-learning modules. Healthcare Diabetes Training Online courses Practical Diabetes for Disability Support Workers Short (2 hour) eLearning course for Disability Support Workers and anyone caring for people living with diabetes. Improve their ability to support the person living with diabetes and have a meaningful conversation. Organisation training options available. Practical Diabetes for Aged Care Workers Short (2 hour) eLearning course for Aged Care Workers, assistants in Nursing and anyone supporting the elderly. Improve their ability to support the person living with diabetes and have a meaningful conversation. Organisation training options available. Practical Diabetes for Pharmacy Assistants Short (2 hour) eLearning course for Pharmacy Assistants to improve the support they provide to people living with diabetes when the visit the pharmacy. IDF Free Online Course The International Diabetes Federation have developed a free online course on diabetes for health professionals. It takes approximately 60 minutes to complete and finishes with an assessment to test your knowledge. Register and invite your colleagues on D-NET. Diabetes Eye Health: A Guide for Health Professionals The International Diabetes Federation and the Fred Hollows Foundation have developed a guide that encourages and facilitates good diabetes management, early diagnosis and treatment of diabetic eye disease, as well encouraging integration and cooperation across the health system. The Guide and Powerpoint presentation are available on the IDF website. Diabetes Management in a Primary Care Setting APNA is the peak professional body for nurses working in primary health care including general practice. With over 3000 members, APNA provide primary health care nurses with a voice, access to quality continuing professional development, educational resources, support and networking opportunities. APNA continually strives to increase awareness of the role of the primary health care nurse, and to be a dynamic and vibrant organisation for its members. Primary health care nursing is wide ranging and covers many specialist areas including aged care, occupational health and safety, telephone triage, palliative care, sexual health, drug and alcohol issues, women’s health, men’s health, infection control, chronic disease management, cardiovascular care, immunisation, cancer, asthma, COPD, mental health, maternal and child health, health promotion, care plans, population health, diabetes, wound management and much more. APNA has developed in conjunction with ADEA the ‘Diabetes Management in a Primary Care Setting’ online learning course for Primary Health Care Nurses. This course has been designed for those who have identified a need to update or increase their diabetes and diabetes management knowledge. Unit 1 will provide nurses with a basic understanding of the disease and its impact on the individual and the broader community. This unit will provide the minimum diabetes specific knowledge needed to support provision of quality care to the person with diabetes and their families and carers. This project was funded by an educational grant from MSD to support improved health outcomes for people with diabetes. Diabetes Management in the Primary Care Setting Unit 1 – Introduction to Diabetes Unit 1 contains 7 Modules plus assessment. Each Module should take around 2 hours to complete. Total: 16 CPD hours “Diabetes Academy: What’s new in Diabetes?” Online CPD Course Learning outcomes of this course includes: Understand and discuss the indications and benefits of novel medications in diabetes management including GLP1 analogues, SGLT2 inhibitors, DPPIV inhibitors. In-depth knowledge and practical understanding of novel technologies in diabetes including insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring. Describe the current guidelines and management of diabetes in pregnancy. Develop a framework for the management of hypertension and dyslipidemia in diabetes. The Mobile Learning Unit at The University of Melbourne has developed an interactive CPD accredited course focused on the important recent changes and best practice principles in diabetes management. The online learning course is accredited by following organisation: Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM): 30 PRPD points. Australian Diabetes Educators Association (ADEA): 12 CPD points. Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP): Category 1 (40 points) QI&CPD. You can contact the Mobile Learning Unit at [email protected] for a free sample of this course. Insulin Pump Therapy The My Learning portal, which has been produced by Medtronic Diabetes, allows access to free online learning modules designed to help enhance knowledge of insulin pump therapy. The portal is available to any healthcare professional involved in the care of those living with diabetes, including Endocrinologists, General Practitioners, Certified Product Trainers, Diabetes Educators, Nurses and Dietitians. Find out more about diabetes resources for health professionals.