Diabetes & daily life As a person with diabetes you are no different from any other person living in Australia. Living with diabetes does not change your basic needs, wants and desires. It will make some aspects of life more challenging, but it doesn’t define who you are or prevent you from enjoying and participating in life. It is important to remember however that during the course of your life, when you are at work or if you are travelling or driving, there are a number of things you need to consider. Healthy diet for diabetes Healthy eating is an important part of managing your diabetes. Find out more Exercise & diabetes If you have diabetes, or are at risk of diabetes it plays an important role in keeping you healthy. Find out more Diabetes technology There is a range of diabetes technology that can help you manage your diabetes. Find out more Diabetes and your mental health A holistic way of treating diabetes is looking after both your physical and your mental health. Learn more Diabetes does not define who you are or prevent you from enjoying and participating in life. Sick day management When you have diabetes, it’s important to be prepared and to know what to do if you get sick. Learn more More information Diabetes at school Diabetes management plans and resources for parents and teachers. Learn more Diabetes in the workplace We answer your questions about your rights and responsibilities in the workplace. Learn more Find out more Driving with diabetes Traveling and diabetes Visiting or moving to Australia Diabetes in emergencies Pregnancy and diabetes