Circle Magazine What’s inside? Circle is packed with: Essential information to help you look after your diabetes Expert exercise tips Lifestyle ideas Advice on nutrition Real life stories Dietitian-approved recipes Details on local community events Coverage of national and international news and research Circle is the only magazine you need to help you live well with diabetes. If you would like to receive Circle, become a member today. Spring edition As the weather warms up, it can only point to one thing, the Spring edition of Circle Magazine! This edition is filled with a selection of Spring recipes, in season ‘Spring saladspiration’ and a swap-the-salt guide to herbs and spice. That’s not all though. This special edition includes your ultimate guide to caring for your kidneys, information on surviving springtime allergies, blood glucose monitors and checking for accuracy, and an update on Diabetes Australia’s Research Program. You can read a recent edition here. For all editorial enquiries please contact [email protected] For all enquiries on advertising opportunities, please contact [email protected]