Diabetes Australia Launches New Position Statement on Glucose Self-Monitoring 29 August 2017 Diabetes Australia today launched a new position statement Glucose self-monitoring in adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes to help make it easier for Australians living with diabetes to self-monitor their glucose levels and better self-manage their condition. Glucose self-monitoring is one of the most important parts of diabetes management. It is also an area that is rapidly changing and can be confusing for people with diabetes. The position statement is designed to give people the information they need to decide the type of glucose monitoring that is right for them. It explains the technologies available, the pros and cons and the evidence for each. The position statement was launched at the Australia Diabetes Society /Australian Diabetes Educators Association Annual Scientific Meeting in Perth. Diabetes Australia believes that every person with diabetes should be able to access and use technologies that help them manage their diabetes to the best of their ability, to protect their health and quality of life. We believe: Government should subsidise the cost of glucose self-monitoring technologies where there is evidence it can improve outcomes and quality of life. Age should not be a deciding factor in Government subsidies. Too often subsidies are limited to people aged under 21 years despite the evidence of health benefit being equally strong for adults. Subsidised access to blood glucose monitoring strips is essential for people with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes: All people with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes using insulin or other medication with risk of low blood glucose (hypos) currently have unrestricted access to subsidised blood glucose monitoring strips and this should continueStructured glucose monitoring should be encouraged and supported through the NDSS for all people with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes (including people with type 2 diabetes not using insulin)All people with diabetes should have their individual glucose monitoring needs assessed by an informed and supportive heath care team, taking into account their overall health and quality of life. Subsidised access to flash glucose monitoring (sensors) should be made available through the NDSS to adults with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes using insulin. Subsidised access to continuous glucose monitoring (CGM; devices and sensors) is currently available to people under 21 years of age, and should also be made available to the following groups: adults with type 1 diabetes experiencing recurrent severe hypos or impaired awareness of hypos, or significant fear of hypos women with type 1 diabetes using insulin while planning for a pregnancy and during pregnancy, due to the adverse effect that high and low glucose levels can have on the unborn child All adults newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes should receive structured education about glucose self-monitoring as soon as possible after diagnosis. All adults with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes should be able to access diabetes self-management education and support programs. Read the position statement here
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