Diabetes Australia welcomes support for new diabetes technology 13 November 2022 Diabetes Australia welcomes the Albanese Government’s decision to add the Omnipod DASH® insulin pods to the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) giving people with type 1 diabetes even more options to manage type 1 diabetes. The Omnipod DASH® Insulin Management System uses a tubeless, wearable and waterproof pod that is integrated with a small handheld Personal Diabetes Manager to provide calibrated delivery of insulin over a 72-hour period. From 1 December, people living with type 1 diabetes will be able to access the insulin pods in a similar way to other insulin pump products listed on the NDSS. Diabetes Australia Group CEO Justine Cain welcomed the decision saying it would ensure more people living with type 1 diabetes would be able to access the system. “This is great news for people living with type 1 diabetes who choose to use the Omnipod DASH® system to manage their diabetes,” Ms Cain said. “We’ve heard from many people living with type 1 diabetes that the Omnipod DASH® system is convenient and helps ease the day-to-day burden of diabetes management. “People living with diabetes have their own preferences and it is important they have affordable access to the diabetes technology that best suits their lifestyle.” Ms Cain said the Albanese Government’s decision was warmly welcomed by the diabetes community. “Diabetes Australia and the diabetes community have been advocating for the inclusion of Omnipod DASH® on the NDSS and we are grateful that the Government has listened,” she said. “On behalf of people living with diabetes I’d like to say thank you to the Albanese Government. “This will help ease the cost burden on people who were self-funding the pods. “I’d also like to thank Health Minister Mark Butler. It is clear Minister Butler is a Health Minister who understands diabetes and is committed to doing what he can to make living with the condition easier.”
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