Watermelon Christmas trees This Christmas spin on watermelon is a perfect snack for a hot summer day! Snack Print this recipe Details Serves: Serves 4Number of ingredients: 2 IngredientsTo prep: 15 Minutes PrepTo cook: 2 Hours FreezeDifficulty: Easy Nutrition per servingEnergy: 269kJProtein: 2.4gFat (total) : 0.8g- Saturated Fat : 0.3gCarbohydrate (total): 11.2gFibre: 1.2gSodium : 26mg Ingredients ¼ of whole seedless watermelon 1/3 cup favourite low fat yoghurt Method Cut the watermelon into slices, and then cut each slice in half To make the base of the Christmas tree, slice the watermelon rind into thirds and then trim off the pieces from either side so you are left with one “tree trunk” in the middle Place your Christmas trees on a lined tray that will fit in the freezer Add yoghurt to a piping bag and decorate your trees. If you don’t have a piping bag, simply fill a snap lock plastic bag with yoghurt and cut a very small piece from the corner Place tray in the freezer and allow the yoghurt to freeze for 1-2 hours