Professor Jerry Greenfield – 2019 Type 1 Diabetes Millennium Research Award 14 December 2018 Professor Jerry Greenfield, from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, has been awarded the Diabetes Australia Research Trust 2019 Type 1 Diabetes Millennium Award to support research into insulin resistance in people with type 1 diabetes. While insulin resistance is usually associated with type 2 diabetes, it is increasingly being detected in people with type 1 diabetes. Insulin resistance can increase a person’s risk of developing a range of diabetes-related complications. Professor Greenfield and his team will be looking at a group of people with type 1 diabetes to try and establish why some people with type 1 diabetes are prone to insulin resistance and possible strategies for treatment. The Millennium Award provides $150,000 to support research. *Picture: Diabetes Australia CEO Professor Greg Johnson, Professor Jerry Greenfield and John Townend, Chair of Diabetes Australia Research Ltd. *
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