Walk to Work 2015, register now! 28 October 2015 Walk to Work is an annual event that encourages Australians to build regular walking into their daily routines. We are celebrating Diabetes Australia Walk to Work Day on November 13 by making a simple commitment to walk, whether that’s ditching the car and walking to work, getting off the tram a stop earlier or simply walking at lunchtime – join us, and let’s get walking Australia! It’s easy to get involved, simply: Register for FREE as an individual or team at www.walk.com.au Set a goal for the distance you will walk. Start fundraising using your unique EverydayHero page and share your progress with family, friends and colleagues. Help raise awareness for Diabetes Australia Walk to Work 2015 throughout October and November using the hashtag #wtwd15 Celebrate and raise funds by hosting a healthy breakfast in your workplace on Friday 13 November 2015 or at home on World Diabetes Day Saturday 14 November! Help raise funds for diabetes research today! Walking is one of the easiest forms of exercise to build daily into your busy life and can make a big difference to your long-term health. Set your walking goal, create your fundraising page and start walking today. More information: www.walk.com.au
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Blog 4 November 2024 Increasing your incidental activity Increase incidental activity by pairing physical activities with things that you already do. For example, when you turn the kettle on, do some wall push-ups while you wait for it to boil. Continue Reading