What to do if you’re not happy with your health care 25 January 2023 Diabetes can be really tough to live with and this can lead to frustration, worry and distress. It’s important to feel supported so that you can make informed decisions about your health and to better understand why blood glucose levels fluctuate. There are many things you can do to self-manage your diabetes but it’s also beneficial to have the right team of health care professionals around you as support. Eating a healthy balanced diet, engaging in physical activity, taking medications as prescribed and managing stress levels are great ways to manage blood glucose levels. Sometimes, it’s helpful to seek out additional support in these areas from doctors and allied health professionals in their specific fields. This allows you to access the most up-to-date knowledge and advice and to ask questions about specific areas of your health. So what should you be looking for in a health professional? Excellent communication skills – they should acknowledge your concerns, provide eye contact and be welcoming and empathetic Demonstrate collaborative practice – by referring you to appropriate health professionals and specialists as well as establishing health-related goals that are realistic and achievable for you Provide support and encouragement – they should show compassion and respect your wishes and point of view as well as encourage discussion Be innovative – are they across new medications and technology? Look for health professionals who demonstrate evidence-based practice and have a keen interest in diabetes Shared decision making – it’s important they discuss proposed health interventions with you and get your agreement on treatment methods, once all of the pros and cons have been considered. Time to find a new health professional? If you don’t feel like you’re receiving an appropriate level of care, it’s time to find a new health professional. It’s like shopping for new shoes, you’re not always going to settle on the first pair you try on. It’s important to take your time and find a health professional that is the best fit for you. Sometimes you might find them via word of mouth where a friend or family member has recommended someone to you. Remember, your health care team are there to help provide the tools for you to best manage your diabetes. It’s important for you, as the person living with diabetes, to take ownership of your own health and seek out the right people to support you. If at first you don’t succeed, try not to be discouraged and seek out someone new for a fresh start, so you can progress towards your goals and live your best life. Where to find a new health professional If you are looking for a new health professional, the following websites can be useful to find someone in your local area. Endocrinologists https://www.endocrinesociety.org.au/search-for-an-endocrinologist.asp Diabetes Educators https://www.adea.com.au/ Dietitians https://member.dietitiansaustralia.org.au/faapd Podiatrists https://www.podiatry.org.au/find-a-podiatrist Exercise physiologists https://www.essa.org.au/find-aep/ In addition to your own health care team, the National Diabetes Services Scheme also run a variety of free education and self-management programs across the country. You can find out more by contacting your local diabetes organisation. By Hayley Nicholson, AEP, CDE
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