International Day of Yoga 4 June 2024 Every year on 21 June, people around the world come together to celebrate the International Day of Yoga, a day dedicated to promoting physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing through the practice of yoga. This ancient discipline, originating in India, has transcended borders to become a global phenomenon, embraced by millions for its profound benefits. The International Day of Yoga was officially established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2014, following a proposal by India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. The date of 21 June holds special significance as it marks the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the day with the most sunlight of the year, symbolising light, clarity, and enlightenment. As we approach the International Day of Yoga in 2024, the focus remains on the transformative power of yoga in our lives, particularly in the context of ongoing global challenges. The theme for this year’s celebration is ‘Yoga for Wellness’, underscoring yoga’s role in fostering resilience, positivity, and holistic health amidst the complexities of modern existence. Why is yoga beneficial? Yoga offers a comprehensive approach to wellbeing, addressing physical, mental, and emotional dimensions simultaneously. Through a combination of postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation, yoga cultivates flexibility, strength, and inner calm. It has been shown to reduce stress, alleviate anxiety, and enhance overall quality of life. In today’s fast-paced world, characterised by constant connectivity and demanding schedules, yoga provides a sanctuary — a space to reconnect with ourselves and find balance amid the chaos. Its universal appeal lies in its adaptability; whether practised on a mountaintop or in a bustling city, yoga is accessible to all, regardless of age, background, or fitness level. Take part On 21 June, communities worldwide organise various events to mark the International Day of Yoga. From open-air classes in public parks to virtual sessions accessible to individuals across continents, the day is a testament to the inclusive nature of yoga. In cities and towns, practitioners gather to participate in group yoga sessions, meditation circles, and discussions on the philosophy of yoga. Search for events in your area marking the day such as this one in Sydney on the 22 June 2024, and this one in Brisbane on the 23 June 2024. The spirit of yoga The celebration is not just about physical exercise but also about fostering a sense of unity and solidarity. It is an opportunity for individuals to reflect on their personal wellness journey and share their experiences with others. Through these collective efforts, the spirit of yoga – of harmony and interconnectedness – resonates globally. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of self-care and mental resilience. Amid lockdowns and uncertainty, many turned to yoga as a source of solace and strength. Online yoga classes surged in popularity, making yoga accessible to those confined to their homes. As the world transitions into a post-pandemic phase, yoga continues to play a vital role in supporting recovery and rebuilding resilience. This year’s International Day of Yoga carries a special significance as communities emerge from the pandemic’s shadow. It serves as a reminder of the innate capacity within each of us to heal and thrive, drawing strength from within through the practice of yoga. The International Day of Yoga on 21 June is a celebration of unity, wellness, and inner peace. It is a reminder that amidst our diverse cultures and backgrounds, we share a common aspiration for health and happiness. As we come together to embrace yoga, let us harness its transformative power to nurture our bodies, calm our minds, and uplift our spirits. This year and beyond, let yoga be a guiding light on our individual and collective paths toward wellbeing. Resources Community centres often offer yoga classes, or you could choose from the many online yoga classes available. Talk with your GP or an accredited exercise physiologist before beginning a new exercise to ensure it is suitable for you. An exercise physiologist will be able to help design a program specific to your needs. You can find one here. The following links may be of interest, but if you haven’t exercised for a while or ever tried yoga, please check in with your GP first. By Robbie Tyson, Credentialled Diabetes Educator and Accredited Practising Dietitian
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